We have upgraded the Rambusters shearing trailer to a truck-mounted shearing system. New safety features include overhead safety rails to prevent rams from jumping out of the lead race, and the compressor mounted on the truck away from the working area.
Side view of lead-up ramp. We have installed overhead guard rails to prevent the rams from jumping out of the race.
Cover open to show on-board compressor. With this setup we only need a powerpoint to connect to and we are operational.
The on-board compressor is mounted safely away from the working area, which reduces noise.
Exit ramp for rams to safely exit the cradle.
Rambusters ram shearing truck
Clamps and controls
The ShearEzy module on the Rambusters ram shearing truck was modified to handle bigger, bulkier cross-bred rams.
Shearing truck with shearing platform
Canopy extended over rambusters truck. We have added a longer section of lead race, and we can load out of a shed at truck height, or out of yards at ground height.
The lead-up ramp for both sheep and operator.